30 usines de rizerie TPD expédiées au Sénégal

As a supplier of 30TPD rice milling machine plants, we recently completed a successful sale to a client in Senegal. This project included a color sorter to enhance the milling process, ensuring high-quality output.

Contexte du client

The client is a private entity focused on rice production for personal use. They sought a reliable milling solution to improve their rice quality and efficiency. Throughout the purchasing process, they posed numerous questions related to rice milling, demonstrating a keen interest in optimizing their operations.

Machine specifications

30tpd rice milling machine plants for sale
30Tpd Rice Milling Machine Plants For Sale

Our 30TPD rice milling machine plant is designed to handle a substantial volume of rice while maintaining exceptional quality. The addition of a color sorter allows for the identification and removal of discolored or defective grains, ensuring a premium final product.

Customer queries

During the negotiation phase, the customer inquired about various aspects of the milling process, including:

  • Optimal milling techniques
  • Maintenance requirements
  • Expected output and efficiency
  • Integration of the color sorter

We provided detailed answers to each query, emphasizing our expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction.


This sale highlights our capability to meet specific customer needs and deliver high-quality milling solutions. We are confident that our 30TPD rice milling machine plant, along with the color sorter, will significantly enhance the client’s rice production process in Senegal.

Industrial 30tpd rice milling machine plants
Industrial 30Tpd Rice Milling Machine Plants