Combined Rice Milling Machine Sold to Africa

The Introduction of Combined Rice Milling Machine

The rice milling machine unit with a daily output of 15-20 tons is our most basic rice milling production line, and you can use it to mill rice and sell on the market

First of all, let’s take a look at what machine the basic complete rice mill equipment includes. The whole rice milling unit includes a destoner machine, a rice dehulling machine, a gravity grading screen, rice milling machine (also called a polishing machine). Its advantage is that the single machine is easy to combine and occupies a small area.

Destoner machine: It mainly remove impurities in rice, such as stones, straw, soil blocks, etc. Milling with clean rice will be more efficient.

Rice dehulling machine: the main purpose is to remove the shell of the rice, and get brown rice.

Gravity grading sieve: It can classify brown rice. The good brown rice can enter the rice mill, and if the dehulling effect is not good, will enter the dehulling machine.

Rice mill: The brown rice that enters the rice mill becomes the rice we need after being milled.

15-20 T/D Rice Mill Unit in Ghana

Our Ghana client is a grower with 33 acres of land and he grows rice every year. Last year, he bought 6 rows of rice transplanters from us, which is very convenient to use and alleviates the problem of labor consumption for large-scale rice transplanting. He used to sell the harvested rice, but this year he decided to produce rice by himself, so he bought a rice milling unit from us. He believes that white rice can bring him the greatest economic value.

30-40 T/D Rice Milling Machine in Nigeria

Compared with the rice milling unit with an output of 15-20 tons, the rice milling unit with an output of 30-40 ton rice milling machine has an additional polishing machine and a white rice classifier. The Nigerian customer is in the rice business, and he gathers rice every year for milling and then sells rice. He believes that the economic value of rice is higher. So this year he expanded production and purchased a set of rice milling units with a daily output of 30-40 tons from us. After receiving the machine, the customer put it into use. Customers use it very well and give us feedback videos. The customer’s next idea is to build an entire rice production line, from rice seedling nursery, rice transplanting, rice harvesting, rice threshing, to rice milling. He thought about buying this production line equipment from us in the next two years.

In addition, we also have a rice milling unit with different outputs. Tell us your output requirements, and we will customize a rice milling unit for you. At the same time, we have also introduced a small rice mill that is suitable for families in accordance with the needs of the international market. If you have a small planting area, you can choose our small rice milling machine. It is easy to use, and only needs one person who can complete the operation. High grinding rate.

According to a report prepared by FAO, the World Bank, and the Natural Resources Institute of the United Kingdom, the total annual cereal output value of sub-Saharan Africa is 27 billion US dollars, but the total value of food loss after harvest is as high as 4 billion US dollars. Part of the loss can be avoided by machines, which can meet the annual minimum food needs of 48 million people. The report pointed out that the factors that led to the loss included food rot, deterioration, or erosion by pests, fungi, or bacteria. In addition, poor food quality leads to low prices, and lack of market opportunities and economic losses are also the main reasons for actual food losses.  FAO pointed out that storage containers such as sealed bags and metal silos, as well as the popularization and use of small-scale rice drying technologies, thrashers, and rice milling machines will help reduce food waste and loss after harvest.

The Advantages of Our Rice Milling Machine

This series of machines are mainly used for polished rice or polished rice with water and can be used to process various types of paddy with different precision requirements. It has the advantages of a smooth surface of finished rice, low light loss, less broken rice, less bran, and high rice yield. In addition to superior product performance advantages, we also provide our customers with the design of large-scale rice milling machine. In addition, the rice milled by this series of rice milling units has high nutritional value, and the fiber of the rice skin will not be lost. It is more assured than the rice we buy in the supermarket.